Amplify Podcast

Episode 66: The Replacement Of The Heart Through Technology With Marc Barnes

Amplify Podcast

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I'm Emily — a resourceful mom but, if I'm being honest, a terrible prepper. It wasn't until I realized that...

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After switching to a Light Phone II to help disconnect more from the Internet and social media, I started searching online (the irony, I know!) for a camera solution, since the Light Phone does not have one. 

That’s when I came upon this article that powerfully explains a theory of replacing the heart – our ability to connect, to relate, and to feel, with technology, our devices, and yes, even our camera phones.

The article was written by philosopher Marc Barnes (Ph.D. in Theology from St. Mary’s University). I eventually tracked him down after following a trail of thought-provoking articles around the Internet. 

That brings us to today’s interview- one of my favorites! We go deep into topics like using technology and photos to avoid the reality of death or grief, and we consider the habits and cultural norms that are replacing our ability to connect and feel with the heart.


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